Black Comic Book


I started my research with the relationship between the Netherlands and Curacao. Within my research I came across different forms of racism, with Colorism being one of them. Colorism is racial discrimination based on skin color. The shade of an individual’s skin tone assigns a meaning to the gradations of blackness. An individual with a lighter complexion is considered to be more beautiful or valuable than someone with dark skin. Whether or not consciously pursuing a Eurocentric ideal of beauty plays an important role in this phenomenon. The more the skin color, hair type and other appearance of a person would resemble that of a white person, the better. This creates a skin color hierarchy. This hierarchy is reflected in the form of discrimination. Discrimination based on skin color in criminal justice, business, the economy, housing, health care, media, and politics. Lighter skin tones are seen as preferable.

Blackness characterized by a high narrow skull, dark skin color, frizzy hair, flattened nose, lazy, stupid, ignorant, primal, obsessively self-indulgent, angry, physically strong, animalistic, and violent. Black bodies are descendant of Negro slaves imported form Afrika in the old days.

Within the topic of colorism I had to deal with the representation of black bodies and blackness. The comics I collected overtime helpt me to deal with one form of the representation of black bodies.

• How do we deal with whiteness as a truth, standard or norm?
• How do we deal with the representation of Blackness.
• How do we deal with black pain in all it’s forms?

Deconstruction, Whiteness, Racism, Discrimination, Slavery, Blackness, Colonialism, Racial Discrimination, Colorist, Color Struck, One-Drop Rule, Alice Walker, Whitewashing, Acting White , Colorism, The Pencil Test and Brown PaperBag Test

• White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack’ by Peggy McIntosh (1988)
• Comics:

- Kijfje in Afrika (1947)
- Suske en Wiske - De Vliegende Aap (1948)
- Asterix - Cleopatra (1965)
- Jommeke - De verloren zoon (1965)
- Jommeke - Straffa toebaka (1975)
- De Kiekeboes - De Dorpstiran van Boeloe Boeloe (1977) - Jommeke - De Njam-Njambloem (1977)
- Jommeke - Prins Filiberke (1978)
- De Kiekeboes - De Zwarte Zonnekoning (1979)
- Blondie en Blinkie - De Blanke Neger (1984)
- Jommeke - De rib van Kalafar (1986)
- Suske en Wiske - Het grote gat (1996)
- Violetta 2 (2003)
- Asterix - De Papyrus (2015)
- Asterix - De Race door de Laars (2017)
- Suske en Wiske - Mami wata 340 (2017)